Sunday, June 15, 2014

Life Bird #319: Dickcissel

The views were long but I was able to spot the Dickcissel located a few days ago. It was a nice way to spend Father's Day with my family.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Life Birds 315, 316, and Finally Some Warm Weather!

Today was a really nice 85 degree June day. I headed out to the Revere area. I've tried a few times to see the Manx Shearwaters that frequent Revere Beach and finally had luck today. They are really sleak birds. They flew north to south along the breaking waves. There were eight of them in the flock. Flying in perfect formation mere inches from the water.

After Revere I headed to Belle Isle Marsh. The Mosquitos here were unbelievably thick! I forgot I had bug spray in the car and had about 30 bites before I remembered. I had some really good birds here. A pair of Bobolink and Blue-winged Teal. Ryan Schain said these were good birds for the Boston area in June. Perhaps they are breeding here? 

Spotted a Least Bittern hunting in a small pond. Life Bird #316.

Ended the day with a Glossy Ibis flyover. Drove all the way to Ipswich to see these guys earlier this year. I know they are common but it always seems like when you struggle to see a target bird that they start showing up all over the place.